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Level the Playing Field for European Artists!

Level the Playing Field for European Artists!

European artists face unfair financial burdens when touring, losing money due to discriminatory withholding taxes—while US artists enjoy generous exemptions. IAO joins forces with EMMA, IMPALA, FIM, EMEE, Live DMA, and Liveurope to call on the EU to overhaul outdated...

Press release: Artists encouraged to spread report to expose their harsh reality

Press release: Artists encouraged to spread report to expose their harsh reality

In a webinar with participants from 17 countries conclusions from the report Streams and Dreams 2 were presented, and it was clear in the discussions how important it is to make governing bodies and media aware of how bad the situation continues to be for artists today. Conditions taken for granted in other professions, such as clear breakdowns of deductions in pay, rights in case of conflict or even the full extent of salary are still not natural. The survey, commissioned by IAO, shows that the intentions of the DSM directive have failed.

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IAO Voicing the Artist’s Needs at Midem

IAO Voicing the Artist’s Needs at Midem

At the annual Music Industry Conference in Cannes last week Tore Engström Østby represented IAO in a panel discussing The Creator & The Industry; Sharing The Created Value.  After an introduction by MEP Ibán García Del Blanco, who commissioned report «Cultural...

MIDEM 24   How can artists be fairly compensated?

MIDEM 24 How can artists be fairly compensated?

How can artists be fairly compensated? This is the main question for a panel at this year's MIDEM. Tore Engström Østby will on behalf of IAO discuss the matters with a representative from the EU parliament and leaders from Spotify, Deezer, A2IM. The panel will discuss...

For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act

For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act

For an innovation and creator friendly AI Act Europe’s creative community urges EU policymakers to put transparency back at the heart of the EU AI Act  Brussels, 23rd November 2023  We represent the collective voice of hundreds of thousands of writers, translators,...

A new European Vision for Touring

 A New European Vision For Touring  As Spain took over the Presidency of the Council a few weeks ago, with enabling cross-border mobility for artists addressed as part of its programme, pan-European organisations IAO, IMPALA, FIM, EMEE, Live DMA, Liveurope and EMMA...

The Streams & Dreams report

The Streams & Dreams report

A survey and report commissioned by International Artist Organisation, IAO, concludes that new models for renumeration need to be introduced to obtain a fair streaming economy for all. Swedish researcher and Music Industry analyst Daniel Johansson presented his report...

Artists welcome the remuneration right for streaming adopted in Belgium

Belgium has adopted a non-waivable remuneration right in addition to the exclusive rights for streaming. Artists welcome this valuable provision that represents an important measure to actually ensure appropriate and proportionate remuneration to performers. It will...