IMARA: A New Global Voice for Performers

Mar 20, 2025

IMARA is a new global umbrella organization exclusively for music performers, created to strengthen their rights and advocacy worldwide. IMARA focuses solely on music performers, ensuring a clearer, stronger voice in the digital economy and international negotiations.

Launched in Barcelona on February 27, 2025, IMARA will unite performer-focused collective management organizations and collaborate with the International Artist Organisation (IAO), among other organisations, to secure fairer conditions and better remuneration.

Its exclusive focus on music performers provides key advantages:

  • a clear and independent voice
  • stronger political influence
  • better control over rights management
  • freedom from conflicts of interest with producers

By working independently, IMARA can push for legislation and policies that directly benefit performers without needing to compromise with producer interests.

The establishment of IMARA marks an important step toward greater global representation for music performers, ensuring they have a dedicated, independent platform to advocate for their rights. As the music industry continues to evolve, particularly in the digital economy, IMARA will play a crucial role in securing fairer remuneration and protection against exploitation. By focusing solely on performers’ interests, IMARA is set to reshape rights management and strengthen their position worldwide, creating a more just and sustainable future for artists.